Social Security Windfall Update
The Social Security Fairness Act, HR 82, concerning the Windfall Elimination Provision and Government Pension Offset, was signed into law on January 5, 2025. Upon implementation, the Social Security Fairness Act eliminates the reduction of Social Security benefits while entitled to public pensions from work not covered by Social Security. The Social Security Administration is evaluating how to implement the Act. We will provide more information as soon as available.
I previously filed for Social Security benefits and they are partially or completely offset.
At this time, you do not need to take any action except to verify that we have your current mailing address and direct deposit information if it has recently changed. Most people can do this online with their personal my Social Security account without calling or visiting Social Security. Visit to sign in or create your account. We will provide ongoing updates regarding implementation on this page.
I have not previously filed for Social Security benefits.
If you are receiving a public pension and are interested in filing for benefits, you may file online at or schedule an appointment.
PERI Educational Webinar Series
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The Impact of a Critical Illness
February 18th, 4pm EST
The physical toll of a cancer diagnosis or a heart attack is often met with an equally difficult emotional and financial toll. Medicare and most insurance covers a significant portion of the treatment, but studies show that nearly 60% of the total cost of care after the initial treatment is not covered by any form of insurance. Come find out why and what the possible solution is to avoid a significant financial impact to you and your family.
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We monitor every piece of legislation that is introduced that could adversely affect our members. Once PERI has established a position on an important issue, we lobby the appropriate agency or board and if necessary the Ohio General Assembly.
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To protect and preserve OPERS pension and benefits programs and advocate for changes that are in the best interest of PERI members, while providing value through communications and education of the membership through our districts, local chapters and external partnerships.
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