
This Legislative update page is designed to keep you informed on possible or actual legislation that may or will have an impact on our pension system’s operation, our pension benefits, or our healthcare benefits. PERI is constantly working to make retirees’ desires known to the Ohio General Assembly.


If you call 1-800-282-0253, the operator will be able to tell you the name and phone number of your state Representative and state Senator. You will need to know your postal zip code plus 4. 

Call the Governor: 1-614-466-3555

Social Security Subcommittee Hearing on the Windfall Elimination Provision and Government Pension Offset. Click the link to watch. 



HCR 6 - Ohio WEP Repeal Request - PERI Proponent Testimony 5.9.23

Click Here to Read Testimony




The Government Pension Offset rules (Spouses and widow(er)) are explained in Social Security publication No 05-10007.

The Windfall rules (worker) “A Pension From Work Not Covered By Social Security” are explained in Social Security publication No 05-10045.

PERI has been waging a campaign for the elimination of the offset provision since 1983. Every year since, proposed legislation to eliminate the provision has ended up in a House Ways & Means Committee sub-committee. That is a nice way of saying that they were ignored because there was not enough political pressure to push the legislation through congress. For our statement before the committee click on the following link:

Statement for the Record: US House of Representatives.

Statement for the Record: US Senate.


You can “Click” on the link below to learn updates and specifics of the Bill that the Federal Ways & Means will be reworking.

The GPO and WEP take away Social Security benefits earned by many public employees. The Social Security Fairness Act would fully repeal these penalties.  There are currently 311 co-sponosrs to H.R. 82 Bill.


We encourage everyone affected by WEP/GPO to send a thank you letter to the co-sponsors

Find up to date co-sponsors go to https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/82/cosponsors?q=%7B%22cosponsor-state%22%3A%22Ohio%22%7D


Ohio Senate Bill 6 - Environmental Social Goverance (ESG)

Click on the link to find committee activity and view testimony from PERI and other organizations


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