You are invited to join us for the PERI State Annual Meeting which will again be held at The Crowne Plaza Hotel in Northeast Columbus. On Monday, September 16th. The hotel is conveniently located just minutes off Interstate 71 and State Route 161. Features include free parking, a covered drop-off area outside the lobby, and sleeping rooms, if needed. Please provide them with the room code of PE6 when making a reservation by calling (614) 885-1885.

Registration will be from 8:30 a. m. to 9:30 a.m. Coffee, tea and pastry will be available during this time and not at your table.

This year’s meeting will be exciting.  PERI will have  a guest speaker and then move to educational breakout sessions in the morning offering attendees the opportunity to learn from a variety of experts who will make presentations in a 45-minute breakout session on five different topics of interest to retirees.                                

These experts will talk about:

Attorney General

New twists on old scams! Recognizing a scam that looks like legitimate communication. How to report and get help if you've been scammed. New information on elder abuse.


You and your HRA. Updates on the latest information and working with VIA Benefits.

Legislation Networking

Richard Ross to present What's happening in the legislature? Grassroots lobbying and the PERI Legislative Network.


Making connections. Let's keep working together to grow our membership and learn about all membership benefits.


Stay up to date on Medicare.                                                                                                                                                                                       

We will not be doing seat/table assignments this year.  We highly recommend you arrive early to secure your preferred seat location. Coffee and pastries will be in the walkway to the ballroom south entrance, where you can enter. Please, do not enter through the doors on the side hallway. The event will start promptly at 9:30 a.m.                                                                                         

After lunch, we will have the PERI business meeting where you will hear brief remarks from PERI Chairman, Richard Ross, PERI Executive Director, Lezlie Garcia, PERI Treasurer John DiPietro and a legislative report from PERI Legislative Counsel, Mara White. 

The meeting will conclude with special door prize drawings. 


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